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Fédération Francophone des Praticiens du massage sonore Peter Hess


Relaxation, massages with the sound and vibration of singing bowls

Certified Practitioner Peter Hess Method

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Bowl massage

Rieux-Minervois, institutions, hopitaux, et cliniques​​

Welcome to a world of comforting and soothing sounds, where you will discover a unique approach in the world of massages! The gentle power of the vibrations emitted by these special bowls is at the service of your well-being, your fulfillment and therefore your overall health.

Discover a very gentle experience, designed to help you find the natural path to letting go. These "sound healing" massages and their multitude of benefits, wish to offer you all the strength and balance you need so that your own body rebalances itself according to its needs of the moment.


A journey in itself

Did you know that you can "travel" from one state of consciousness to another? You actually do it without even knowing it! The brain produces different brainwave lengths, shamans and Buddhist monks have learned to modulate them through trance, or deep meditation. Without claiming to equal or join these characters who have a very thorough practice of their tradition, massage with the Peter Hess protocols allows us to slow down the flow of our thoughts without making any conscious effort... to seek these states of relaxation favorable to regeneration on all levels.


A sound massage can bring you to the states of consciousness specific to a regenerating rest, and the cerebral waves which are specific to them in the alpha, theta and delta states. That is to say, the relaxation and the meditative state, when you watch your thoughts pass quietly... You taste a great peace of mind and you reconnect with your intuition, your small inner voice. Then, penetrating further into complete relaxation, you have dreams, visualizations, completely serene and in full consciousness.


Finally, you could effortlessly achieve a state that resembles deep sleep, it is restorative in more ways than one, allowing the release of reward and growth hormones that promote well-being and help in repair mechanisms.

The method and the bowls
Peter Hess

Giving you the best massage and the best experience possible

Catherine Vanier, praticienne certifiée Peter Hess

My approach

I hope you have an exceptional time, I want you to feel really pampered, pampered, soothed, listened to. We take some time to talk so that I understand what your expectations are, and how I can give you the best possible massage.


I always proceed gently and I adapt these massages to you and your requests, pains, and medical specificities; I take the time you need.


Even if you are blocked by a pathology that makes you less mobile, my bowls and I will adapt to bring you as much relief and calm as possible.

Bols de massages Peter Hess de haute qualité

The bowls I use

The bowls I use are designed to generate long, rich, deep vibrations. They emit very soft and harmonious sounds of low volume, because they are mainly intended to vibrate.


Designed according to very precise specifications, these bowls come directly from the Nepalese tradition of the singing bowl and are made by masters of the art, holders of ancestral manufacturing recipes.


Peter Hess has them made in high quality bronzes, enriched with rare metals, they are checked twice, on leaving the workshop and in Germany before being stamped "therapeutic quality", and offered for Sound Healing, massage sound 😊


For the sound baths I use the magnificent traditional singing bowls dedicated to sound.

Massage sonore méthode Peter Hess par Ré-harmonie

The Peter Hess Method

I use a method developed by Peter Hess, the German engineer and pedagogue who introduced singing bowls to Europe and has been studying them for nearly 40 years.


This is the oldest method. It has largely proven itself in many fields and is regularly the subject of studies in hospital structures.

Currently, the Peter Hess sound massage is very successful in many professional fields such as education, counseling, well-being, therapy, pedagogy, medicine and various care.

Formations complémentaires délivrées par l'Institut Peter Hess

Neurologie et psychosomatique

Par l'ergothérapeuthe allemande Angelika Rieckmann... ou comment stabiliser le système nerveux avec le son.
Angelika a rencontré les massages sonores dans le cadre de son propre processus de guérison. Elle a immédiatement intégré les bols et les protocoles de Peter Hess dans sa pratique professionnelle. Elle a mis au point, en accord avec la fondation, de nouvelles propositions adaptées à plusieurs types de pathologies et a travaillé en clinique de rééducation de très nombreuses années avec ses bols. Aujourd'hui elle transmet son savoir et son approche de la rééducation avec les bols de massages et la philosophie de Peter Hess.

J'ai suivi son cours durant le printemps 2024 et déjà pu découvrir quelques-uns des effets que ces protocoles adaptés peuvent apporter en terme de bien-être tout d'abord, retrouver une corps “agréable à vivre” permet de reprendre confiance dans ce corps qui semble nous trahir lorsque l'on est malade ou blessé. 
S'ensuivent des petits mieux dans la motricité qui mis bout à bout ressemblent à un rayon de soleil dans la vie des patients. 

sonothérapie minervois.png
massage sonore en fauteuil roulant
Massages sonores dans la position assise

Cette formation complémentaire aux modules de base, est délivrée par Brigitte Snoeck qui est la seule formatrice Francophone agréée par Peter Hess. 
Elle se porte sur toutes les alternatives à la table de massage, lorsque l’on est dans un fauteuil roulant; comment faire profiter du son et des effets des vibrations à la personne bénéficiant du massage sonore. 
C’est étonnant d'efficacité, avec très peu d’accessoires pour s’adapter au corps assis, il est possible d’induire une complète relaxation en peu de temps. 
Bien sûr c’est sur cette base que se pratiquent aussi de délicieux massages au bureau (en entreprise) pour une pause ultra ressourçante. 
Un bon moyen de garder son énergie ou d’en reprendre et de rester complètement engagé et créatif. 
On est volontiers et plus facilement productif dans un corps-esprit en équilibre, et ces séances très courtes permettent cela.


In office

Dans l'Aude

This massage provided by the vibration of the bowls is practiced fully clothed, comfortably seated on the massage table.


We mention the possible contraindications (very few) when making an appointment.

It takes about 1h30 per session.


The massage itself will last about 55 minutes after taking the time to get to know you and welcome you, at the end you will have plenty of time to emerge gently, and we will take a little time to exchange.


At home on

your bed (when mobility is impossible)

Dans l'Aude

Because an injured, sick, disabled, hospitalized, or home-bound person cannot always lie down on a massage table, I practice an adapted protocol.


This massage can be received comfortably in bed.


The session is shorter, to adapt to what the person may experience while respecting their state of health.


30 minutes can provide very good quality relaxation which will be a valuable resource for body and mind (relaxation can reduce anxiety and pain).


Events, company, groups

I can adapt my massages to different situations:

 - In business to set up a moment of well-being in the day of your employees

- For groups in the context of private events, for example sessions of “sound baths” 

for small groups (seminars, sports courses or personal development, with friends, etc.) you set off on an inner journey, carried away by the enveloping sounds of the bowls... A moment of deeply re-harmonizing 

Do not hesitate to contact me and we will discuss to create a tailor-made relaxation event, or set up a shorter massage than in the office and very beneficial.

A global method for a multitude of benefits

The bowls placed in vibration on you and around you according to precise protocols, will create a subtle massage of all the parts of the body thanks to the water contained in each of our cells. This will allow you to quickly achieve deep relaxation of the entire muscular system, it settles throughout the body, bone structure, striated muscles and smooth muscles, organs, fluids, nervous system. Naturally you can feel your thoughts slowing down and your mind gradually settling. You will feel enveloped in a very great well-being, and feel your body living fully. Like a tuning fork, the sound massage, in resonance, will retune your body like the magnificent instrument that it is.

Because you are brought to a state of letting go, sensations and repressed emotions can be released and bring you to an awareness that will allow you to consider solutions. It is always better to allow yourself to express traumas, because by remaining within us, what has hurt us can impact the physical body in a psychosomatic way.

These massages act on the whole of our being in a "mechanical" way: sounds and vibrations are physical manifestations. Nevertheless, they also act on our psyche, our emotions, our energy system.

Peter Hess protocols work to support the organization, therefore they work in synergy and in support with conventional therapies to relieve and strengthen the body. They can also be a respite, a break in therapies or psychotherapies that appeal more to the mind, and allow you to return to your body and “feel” yourself in well-being.


Benefits on the body

  • Improves the natural ability to enter relaxation

  • Improves body perception and allows you to find certain sensations

  • Reduces pain

  • Rebalances the nervous system

  • Stimulates energy flow, blood flow, lymphatic system

  • Acts against physical and nervous tension

  • Improves immune parameters and mobilizes natural defenses

  • Facilitates the return to quality sleep

  • and many others

Benefits on the psyche

  • Helps calm the mind and thoughts

  • Facilitates letting go

  • Helps restore inner balance

  • Helps to have a better self-image

  • Helps restore self-confidence

  • Helps to release some blockages

  • Allows emotional releases 

  • Help in managing emotions

  • Allows for better anchorage

  • Reduces anxiety and fear through confidence building

  • Promotes better creativity

  • and many others


My journey to this practice

I have been a merchant with passion for more than 20 years, and I have always exercised my profession giving a lot of importance to customer satisfaction and in giving the best quality of service possible. It may seem unbelievable, but this way of working, as ethical as possible, fueled my desire to be useful, to help around me, and to take care of those who came to me. With this in mind, I trained in reiki, which is an energy technique, and it is in this context that I encountered - a few years ago - the bowls designed for vibratory massages, an art from Nepal.

I must say that I fell in love with this incredible method, which is for everyone, in all states of health, at all ages, and brings a lot of comfort. 

It often happens that an unforeseen and radical change in a life changes and upsets everything, forcing us to reshuffle the cards... It is one of these changes of course that will have given me the energy, the strength to finally dare to choose me. This meant moving to another place, practicing a profession more in line with my true values; I decided to train myself seriously in massages with sound and vibration, I discovered and chose the unique and very serious approach of the Peter Hess foundation. 

I trained, then after practicing for a long time in my close circle, I obtained my diploma and my certification.

This naturally led me to want to share this beautiful practice based on sound, vibration and great gentleness. 

Softness... a resource that makes all the difference. Isn't this what is missing everywhere, all the time, in the world and what we are almost all looking for?

Find me on the list of certified Peter Hess practitioners

By clicking here

I am very happy today to make you discover these  holistic “hands-free” massages, unique and so beneficial. It's aexperience multisensory that adapts to you and your needsspecific.

Fédération Francophone des Praticiens du massage sonore Peter Hess


1 massage

60 €

3 massages

170 €

5 massages

270 €

A domicile

Pour tout cas particulier parlons-en


Discover all my testimonials on google:by clicking here

“I do very physical work (masonry) and I fall asleep on the table every time. Total decompression! Reduction of muscle and joint pain, great moment of relaxation. Thank you for the welcome and the extreme care that is taken each time."


Or organize a sound bath

Rieux-Minervois, France

06 80 47 90 55

09 75 68 26 03

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